20 Polished Alternatives to “Please Advise” for Pro Communication

Lily Parker

The phrase “please advise” is commonly used in business correspondence to request guidance or information.

However, relying on this phrase too frequently can become repetitive and may lack specificity.

Here are alternative expressions that can add clarity and professionalism to your requests for assistance:

  • “I welcome your recommendations on…”
  • “Could you provide further details on…”
  • “I would appreciate your guidance regarding…”

Here are the complete 20 ideas you can say in place of “please advise”:

1. Could you provide your input?

2. I welcome your advice on this matter.

3. Your guidance would be greatly appreciated.

4. I would value your direction on this.

5. Can you shed some light on this?

6. What are your thoughts?

7. I look forward to your suggestions.

8. Could you offer your expertise?

9. Please share your recommendations.

10. I’d appreciate your counsel.

11. Could you help clarify?

12. May I have your advice on this issue?

13. What is your opinion on this?

14. I’m eager to hear your viewpoint.

15. Would you mind providing your insight?

16. Please provide further information on…

17. Can you provide assistance with this matter?

18. Your feedback would be helpful.

19. Could you suggest the best course of action?

20. How would you handle this?

These alternatives can add variety to your language and can be used in various professional contexts to solicit advice or information politely.

Now, let’s explore contexts and additional phrases where you can seamlessly integrate these refined alternatives.

In Email Communications

Emails often serve as the primary mode of professional interaction. Using different phrases can help to express your queries more pointedly and keep the tone courteous.

Requesting Input or Action

  • Your input would be greatly valued on…
  • I look forward to your insights regarding…
  • Please share your thoughts on…

When Seeking Clarification

Sometimes, you may need additional information to proceed with a task or to understand a situation more clearly.

Asking for Clarification or Further Information

  • Could you clarify…
  • I seek further information on…
  • Your elaboration on [topic] would be helpful…

For Decision-Making Scenarios

In scenarios where a decision needs to be made, it’s important to ask directly for the necessary approval or opinion.

When Awaiting Decisions

  • Kindly confirm your decision on…
  • I await your verdict regarding…
  • Your approval is requested for…

In Response to Received Information

When responding to an email where the information provided is incomplete or requires follow-up, you’ll want to encourage the recipient to give you more to work with.

Encouraging Further Response

  • Please expand on your previous message about…
  • Could you specify the details related to…
  • I require additional information to proceed with…



Whether you’re drafting an email, engaging in a discussion, or participating in a meeting, the language you use to request advice can have a significant impact on the response you receive.

By choosing expressions that are both polite and direct, you’ll facilitate clearer communication and foster a constructive dialogue.

The key is to be both respectful and specific in your inquiries, leading to more effective and efficient interactions in all professional settings.