Leaving Work Early Without Permission Warning Letter (4 Samples)

Lily Parker

Leaving work early without permission is a serious breach of workplace policies and can have consequences for both the employee and the employer.

Many companies have strict guidelines regarding attendance and punctuality, and leaving work early without prior approval can disrupt operations and impact productivity.

As a result, employers may choose to issue a warning letter to employees who violate these policies. This letter serves as formal documentation of the unauthorized early departure and outlines the potential consequences if the behavior persists.

1. Leaving work early without permission warning letter template

[Employee’s Full Name]
[Employee’s Position]
[Company Name]
[Department or Division]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Unauthorized Early Departure from Work on [Date of Incident]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

This letter serves as a formal warning regarding your recent behavior of leaving work early without seeking the proper authorization on [Date of Incident]. As you are aware, our company policy requires that all early departures be pre-approved by a supervisor, except in the case of an emergency.

Your unscheduled departure at [Time of Early Departure] on [Date of Incident] was noted and it has not only violated our company’s policy but also created additional challenges for your team who had to cover for your absence without prior notice. This type of behavior disrupts the workflow and can affect the productivity and morale of your colleagues.

Please consider this letter a formal warning. We value your contributions to the team, but it is crucial that you adhere to company policies and procedures. Any future incidents of this nature may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

To prevent this from happening again, we ask that you communicate any intentions or needs to leave early as per company guidelines. If you are unsure of the procedure, please refer to the employee handbook or speak to your supervisor or HR representative for clarification.

We trust that you will take this warning seriously and make the necessary adjustments to ensure compliance with company policies. If there are any issues or circumstances that may affect your ability to work your scheduled hours, please discuss them with your supervisor as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be considered.

If you have any questions about this warning or wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact me or your direct supervisor.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Position/Title]
[Company Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

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2. Leaving work early without permission termination letter sample

[Employee’s Full Name]
[Employee’s Position]
[Company Name]
[Department or Division]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Termination of Employment – Unauthorized Departures

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

We regret to inform you that your employment with [Company Name] is being terminated effective immediately. This decision comes after multiple recorded incidents of you leaving work early without obtaining the required permission from your supervisor, despite previous warnings.

As outlined in your final warning letter dated [Date of Last Warning], we made it clear that failure to adhere to company attendance policies would result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Unfortunately, on [Most Recent Date of Incident], you once again departed from your scheduled shift without following the proper protocol for early departure and did not provide an emergency reason for doing so. This pattern of behavior is unacceptable and has led us to take this course of action.

Your final paycheck, which includes any accrued and unused vacation time, will be available for pick-up from the HR department on [Date], or we can mail it to your address on file upon your request. Additionally, you will receive information regarding the status of your benefits and any applicable post-employment procedures.

Please return all company property, including keys, badges, and equipment, no later than [Deadline for Return of Company Property]. Failure to do so may result in additional action being taken.

We recommend that you review the enclosed documents which outline your rights and responsibilities regarding the termination of your employment, including information about the continuation of health coverage and unemployment benefits.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors. Should you require a reference or verification of employment, please direct those inquiries to our HR department.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and returning the attached copy.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Position/Title]
[Company Name]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

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3. Leaving the workplace during work hours without permission warning email template

Dear [Employee’s Name],

This email serves as a formal warning regarding your recent conduct on [Date of Incident], when it was noted that you left the workplace during work hours without prior permission from your supervisor. This action is in violation of our company’s attendance policy, which requires all employees to notify and receive approval from their immediate supervisors before leaving the workplace during scheduled hours.

Your absence without permission has disrupted the workflow and placed an additional burden on your colleagues, who had to cover for your responsibilities. It is essential to understand that adherence to work schedules and proper communication are critical components of our operational effectiveness.

We value your contributions to the team, but we must also emphasize the importance of following protocol. This warning is being issued to provide you with an opportunity to correct your behavior. Further instances of unscheduled and unauthorized absences may lead to more serious disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment.

Please respond to this email acknowledging that you have received and understood the content of this warning. We also require you to meet with [Supervisor’s Name] on [Scheduled Meeting Date] to discuss this matter further and to establish clear expectations moving forward.

Our goal is to support you in adhering to company policies and ensuring a productive and organized work environment. We trust that you will take this warning seriously and make the necessary adjustments to your professional conduct.

If you have any questions or if there are any extenuating circumstances that we should be aware of, please feel free to discuss them with [Supervisor’s Name] during your meeting or contact [HR Representative Name] in the Human Resources department.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Company Name]

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4. Leave without a permission warning letter from the manager

[Manager’s Full Name]
[Manager’s Position/Title]
[Company Name]
[Department or Division]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Manager’s Email Address]
[Manager’s Phone Number]

[Employee’s Full Name]
[Employee’s Position]
[Department or Division]

Dear [Employee’s Full Name],

I am writing to address a matter of concern regarding your attendance. It has come to my attention that on [Date(s) of Incident], you left your shift without requesting or receiving permission to do so, which is in violation of our company attendance policies.

As your manager, it is my responsibility to ensure that our team operates efficiently and effectively. Unauthorized departures impact not only your work but also the productivity of our team and the service we provide to our clients. Attendance and punctuality are critical components of your role, and adherence to our company’s policies is not optional.

Please consider this letter as an official warning. I would like to remind you that according to our company policy, all employees must notify their supervisor and receive approval before leaving work early, unless in cases of emergency. Failing to follow these procedures can result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

I ask that you treat this as a serious matter. Moving forward, I expect you to comply with our attendance policies. If there are any personal issues or circumstances that may affect your ability to attend work as scheduled, I encourage you to discuss these with me as soon as possible so that we can work on a suitable arrangement.

If you have any questions about this warning or company attendance policies, or if you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

I am confident that you will correct this behavior and continue to be a valuable member of our team. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


[Manager’s Full Name]
[Manager’s Position/Title]
[Company Name]

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Dealing with Employees Exiting Without Authorization

When employees leave work without permission, it can disrupt operations and affect morale. Responding effectively is vital for maintaining order and professionalism in the workplace. Here are some key takeaways for managers facing this situation:

  • Implement clear policies that define the consequences of leaving without permission.
  • Communicate consistently and openly to understand the reasons behind unauthorized departures.”
  • Use a fair, but firm approach to enforce rules and prevent future occurrences.

Implementing a Clear Policy

The foundation of handling unscheduled departures is a clear, well-communicated policy.

Your policy should outline acceptable behavior regarding attendance, including the process for requesting time off and the consequences of leaving without authorization.

Crafting the Policy

Explain the importance of permission for leaving early and how unauthorized departures can affect the team and the business.

Specify the consequences of leaving without permission, which might range from a verbal warning to more severe disciplinary actions, depending on the frequency and context.

Ensure all employees understand the policy by including it in your employee handbook, discussing it during onboarding, and reviewing it regularly.

Communicating with the Offending Employee

Before taking any disciplinary action, it’s crucial to communicate with the employee to understand their reasons for leaving without permission.

They may have experienced an emergency or a misunderstanding regarding the policy.

Steps for Communication

Schedule a private meeting to discuss the incident as soon as possible.

Listen to their explanation and assess whether the situation was an emergency or a disregard for policy.

Emphasize the importance of communication and remind them of the proper procedures for requesting time off.

Enforcing the Policy Consistently

Once you’ve established the reasons behind the departure, act in accordance with your company’s policies. Consistency is key in enforcement to ensure fairness and to prevent setting precedents that may lead to repeat offenses.

Fair Enforcement

Apply the agreed-upon consequences from the policy to the situation, ensuring that all employees are treated equally.

Document the incident and the measures taken for future reference and to maintain a record of the employee’s behavior.

Be transparent with your team about the importance of following procedures to prevent speculation or misinformation.

Preventing Future Unscheduled Departures

To minimize future incidents, preventive measures should be a part of your management strategy.

Prevention Strategies

Review policies regularly to ensure they meet the needs of the organization and the employees.

Foster an open-door policy that encourages employees to communicate their needs and concerns.

Offer flexibility where possible to accommodate personal appointments or emergencies, reducing the temptation for employees to leave without notice.

Conclusion: Balancing Firmness and Understanding

Handling employees who leave work without permission requires a balance between enforcing rules and understanding individual circumstances.

By establishing clear policies, communicating effectively, and applying consistent consequences, managers can maintain order while being fair and empathetic.

Remember that prevention is as important as intervention. Building a workplace culture of trust and respect can decrease the likelihood of unauthorized departures and create a more cohesive and accountable workforce.