Letter of Recommendation for a Substitute Teacher (3 Samples)

Lily Parker

When writing a letter of recommendation for a substitute teacher, it is important to highlight their adaptability, flexibility, and ability to effectively manage a classroom.

The letter should also emphasize the substitute teacher’s strong interpersonal and communication skills, as well as their commitment to creating a positive and nurturing learning environment for students.

Whether the substitute teacher is seeking a position at a specific school or hoping to build their reputation within a substitute teaching agency, a well-written letter of recommendation can make a significant impact on their career prospects.

We will discuss the key elements of a strong letter of recommendation for a substitute teacher and provide you with 3 good recommendation letter templates.

Recommendation letter for a substitute teacher with no experience

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]


[Principal’s Name]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Recommendation for [Substitute Teacher’s Name]

Dear [Principal’s Name],

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Substitute Teacher’s Name] for a position as a substitute teacher within your school. Although [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] does not possess formal teaching experience, I have had the pleasure of observing [His/Her] dedication, enthusiasm, and innate teaching abilities which I firmly believe would benefit the students and the educational environment at [School Name].

[Substitute Teacher’s First Name] has been actively involved with [Community or Organization Name], where [He/She] demonstrated the ability to communicate complex ideas clearly, adjust [His/Her] approach to suit individual learner needs, and display remarkable patience and understanding while working with young people. [His/Her] commitment to creating a positive and effective learning environment is evident through [His/Her] volunteer work [and/or other relevant experiences].

[He/She] possesses a variety of skills that are transferable to the classroom setting. [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] is adept at conflict resolution, critical thinking, and has the ability to engage learners using creative techniques. Moreover, [His/Her] academic background in [Relevant Subject/Area of Study] provides [Him/Her] with a solid foundation of knowledge that [He/She] is eager to share with students.

During [His/Her] time with [Organization/Community Group], I was particularly impressed by [His/Her] project/event/initiative, where [He/She] demonstrated strong leadership and organizational skills. [He/She] coordinated a team of volunteers, planned educational activities, and managed the event with professionalism and poise. This experience, among others, highlights [His/Her] potential as an effective leader and role model in the classroom.

While [He/She] may not have formal classroom experience, [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] has shown an eagerness to learn and adapt quickly to new challenges. [He/She] is committed to professional development and has already begun to familiarize [Himself/Herself] with the curriculum and standards of your school district. [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] is also receptive to feedback and views constructive criticism as an avenue for personal and professional growth.

In short, I am confident that [Substitute Teacher’s Name] would bring a fresh perspective, energy, and dedication to your team of educators. [His/Her] unique talents, combined with an unwavering commitment to students, make [Him/Her] an excellent candidate for a substitute teacher role at [School Name].

I welcome the opportunity to further discuss [Substitute Teacher’s Name]’s qualifications and potential contributions to your school. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you have any questions or require additional information.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.

[Your Name]
[Your Job Title/Relationship to Substitute Teacher]
[Your Professional or Volunteer Organization]

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Sample letter of recommendation for substitute teacher

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position/Title]
[Your School/Institution]
[Your School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Name or Hiring Committee]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Hiring Committee],

I am writing to highly recommend [Substitute Teacher’s Full Name] for the position of substitute teacher at [School Name]. In my role as [Your Position/Title] at [Your School/Institution], I had the pleasure of working with [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] for [number of months/years] during which I was consistently impressed with [His/Her] professionalism, dedication, and engaging instructional style.

[Substitute Teacher’s First Name]’s approach to classroom management is noteworthy; [He/She] adeptly balances firmness and fairness, creating a learning environment where all students feel respected and challenged. [His/Her] ability to connect with students and faculty alike, and [His/Her] talent for teaching complex subjects in accessible terms, makes [Him/Her] the kind of substitute teacher students remember and other teachers rely upon.

One of [Substitute Teacher’s First Name]’s greatest strengths is [His/Her] adaptability. Regardless of whether [He/She] is called upon to teach a subject within [His/Her] expertise or one that is outside of [His/Her] primary academic focus, [He/She] prepares diligently and conducts the class with confidence and authority. This flexibility, combined with [His/Her] passion for teaching and learning, is a tremendous asset in the fluid environment of substitute teaching.

In addition to [His/Her] instructional prowess, [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] also possesses excellent communication skills, a trait that is invaluable in maintaining continuity for students during a regular teacher’s absence. [He/She] effectively solicits information from colleagues regarding lesson plans and student progress, ensuring that class time remains productive and aligned with curricular objectives.

Moreover, [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] contributes positively to the overall school climate. [He/She] consistently demonstrates an eagerness to participate in school-wide initiatives and displays an authentic enthusiasm for fostering a collaborative community among staff and students alike.

In closing, I can say without hesitation that [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] would be a valuable addition to your teaching team. [His/Her] blend of skill, enthusiasm, and dedication will certainly enrich the educational experiences of the students at [School Name].

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions regarding [Substitute Teacher’s Full Name]’s abilities and qualifications. I am available by phone at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].

Thank you for considering my recommendation.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position/Title]
[Your School/Institution]

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Recommendation letter for a substitute teacher from a high school teacher

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Department]
[Your School’s Name]
[Your School’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

[Principal’s Name or Hiring Committee]
[School Name]
[School Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Principal’s Name or Hiring Committee],

I am writing to recommend [Substitute Teacher’s Name] as the substitute teacher at [School Name]. As a colleague and fellow high school teacher at [Your School’s Name], I have observed [Substitute Teacher’s First Name]’s teaching abilities, classroom management skills, and commitment to providing a supportive and challenging educational environment for students.

During [His/Her] time as a substitute teacher in my classroom, I was impressed with how seamlessly [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] adopted my lesson plans and engaged the students. Despite the inherent challenges of substitute teaching, [He/She] maintained a consistent level of professionalism and educational effectiveness. [His/Her] ability to quickly establish rapport with students and to uphold the standard routine of the class is commendable.

[Substitute Teacher’s First Name] has demonstrated a keen understanding of the school curriculum and the adaptability to teach across various subject areas, making [Him/Her] an ideal candidate for the fluctuating demands of substitute teaching. [He/She] is well-prepared, organized, and communicates concepts with clarity and enthusiasm, ensuring that learning objectives are met even in the regular teacher’s absence.

Moreover, [Substitute Teacher’s First Name] has a warm but authoritative presence that has earned [Him/Her] the respect of students, faculty, and administration alike. [His/Her] commitment to fostering a safe and productive classroom environment aligns with the values and educational goals of [Your School’s Name].

I am confident that [Substitute Teacher’s Name] would be a valuable asset to your team and offer my full endorsement without reservation. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or via email at [Your Email Address].

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Department]
[Your School’s Name]

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Recommendation letter for a substitute teacher

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How to write a recommendation letter for a teacher

Here are some quick tips for you:

Start with a Formal Letter Format

Use a standard business letter format for your recommendation. Include your contact information, date, recipient’s details, and a formal greeting.

Express Your Enthusiasm Right from the Start

Begin with a punchy opening line that clearly states your strong endorsement of the teacher in question. Show your excitement about recommending them.

Specify Your Relationship with the Teacher

Clarify how you know the teacher and the context in which you have worked together. This gives weight to your recommendation.

Highlight the Teacher’s Accomplishments

Point out the specific successes or contributions the teacher has made. Use examples to illustrate their impact on the classroom and the school community.

Mention the Teacher’s Skills and Qualities

Detail the teacher’s relevant skills, educational philosophy, and personal attributes that make them a unique and valued educator.

Include Anecdotes to Personalize the Letter

Share a story or an incident that captures the teacher’s abilities and dedication. This makes your letter more engaging and memorable.

Compare to Others If Appropriate

If possible, compare the teacher to others to emphasize their excellence. This comparison can demonstrate that the teacher stands out in the field.

Keep the Tone Positive and Enthusiastic

Maintain a positive tone throughout the letter. Let your genuine respect and admiration for the teacher shine through.

Offer Insights on Teacher-Student Interaction

Discuss how the teacher connects with students and facilitates their growth. This relationship is at the heart of the teaching profession.

Close with a Strong Endorsement

Reiterate your recommendation in the concluding paragraph. Be clear about your belief in the teacher’s qualifications and potential contributions.

Provide Your Contact Information for Follow-Up

Make it easy for the recipient to contact you for further discussion. This demonstrates transparency and a willingness to stand behind your recommendation.

Proofread and Edit

Finally, review your letter for any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-crafted, error-free recommendation reflects well on both you and the teacher.