Letter to Contractor for Completion of Unfinished Work (3 Samples)

Lily Parker

When hiring a contractor to complete a project, it is expected that the work will be finished to the agreed upon specifications and within the designated time frame.

However, there are instances where the contractor may fail to complete the work or deliver on their promises. In such cases, it is important to address the issue promptly and effectively.

Writing a letter to the contractor for incomplete work is a key step in addressing the problem and seeking a resolution.

This letter serves as a formal notification of the incomplete work, outlining the specific areas that are unfinished or not up to standard.

It also provides an opportunity for the contractor to rectify the situation and fulfill their contractual obligations.

1. Letter to contractor for incomplete work template

[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Contractor’s Full Name]
[Contractor’s Company Name]
[Contractor’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address some concerns regarding the incomplete work on the project at [project address/location]. We have noticed that several aspects of the agreed-upon work have not been completed as per our contract dated [contract date].

The following items remain unfinished or require attention:

  • [List specific incomplete work item 1]
  • [List specific incomplete work item 2]
  • [List specific incomplete work item 3]
  • [Add more items as necessary]

As per our agreement, these tasks were expected to be completed by [expected completion date]. The delay has caused some inconvenience, and it is important that we resolve these issues promptly. Additionally, we need to ensure that the quality of work meets the standards specified in our contract.

I kindly request that you provide a detailed plan and timeline for completing the remaining work. It is important for us to understand when we can expect the project to be fully completed. If there are any issues or challenges that have caused the delay, please communicate them to us so that we can work together to find a suitable solution.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact me at [your phone number] or [your email address] to discuss the next steps and to arrange a meeting, if necessary.

We value your expertise and are hopeful that we can resolve this situation amicably and efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


[Your Full Name]

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2. Sample letter to the contractor to start work

[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Contractor’s Full Name]
[Contractor’s Company Name]
[Contractor’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to confirm our agreement and formally request that you commence work on the project at [project address/location] as per our contract dated [contract date]. We are eager to get started and look forward to seeing the results of your efforts.

As discussed, the scope of work includes the following:

  • [List specific work item 1]
  • [List specific work item 2]
  • [List specific work item 3]
  • [Add more items as necessary]

We have agreed that the project will commence on [start date] and is expected to be completed by [expected completion date]. Please ensure that all necessary materials and personnel are arranged in advance to avoid any delays.

We request that you keep us informed of the project’s progress and notify us immediately if there are any issues or changes that need to be addressed. Regular updates will help ensure that the project runs smoothly and on schedule.

Please confirm receipt of this letter and the agreed-upon start date by either replying to this letter or contacting me directly at [your phone number] or [your email address].

We are excited to see the project take shape and are confident in your ability to deliver high-quality work. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your cooperation.


[Your Full Name]

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3. Warning letter to contractor for project delay

[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Contractor’s Full Name]
[Contractor’s Company Name]
[Contractor’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my serious concern regarding the ongoing delays in the completion of the project at [project address/location]. As per our contract dated [contract date], the project was scheduled to be completed by [expected completion date]. However, it has come to my attention that significant portions of the work remain unfinished.

The delays in the project have caused considerable inconvenience and have affected our overall timeline and plans. It is crucial that we address this issue promptly to avoid further setbacks and potential additional costs.

Specifically, the following tasks are either incomplete or behind schedule:

  • [List specific delayed task 1]
  • [List specific delayed task 2]
  • [List specific delayed task 3]
  • [Add more tasks as necessary]

I request an immediate meeting to discuss the reasons for these delays and to establish a clear and realistic timeline for the completion of the remaining work. It is imperative that you provide a detailed plan outlining how you intend to complete the project within the revised timeframe. This plan should include specific milestones and deadlines for each outstanding task.

Failure to address these delays and to complete the project within the revised timeline may result in further action, as stipulated in our contract. We value the work that you have done so far and hope to resolve this matter amicably and efficiently. However, timely completion of this project is of utmost importance.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience to confirm receipt of this letter and to schedule our meeting. You can reach me at [your phone number] or [your email address].

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We look forward to your immediate response and to working together to bring this project to a successful completion.


[Your Full Name]

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Tips to Write a Letter to Contractor Demanding Completion of Work

When you’ve hired a contractor to complete a project and find that the work is falling behind schedule, writing a formal letter demanding the completion of the work can be an effective way to address the issue.

This letter serves as a formal reminder and can help push the project towards completion. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind when writing such a letter.

State the Purpose Clearly

Begin your letter by clearly stating its purpose. Make it immediately apparent that you are writing to address the delay and request the completion of the remaining work.

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

I am writing to formally request the completion of the work contracted under the agreement dated [Contract Date].

Outline the Scope of Work

Detail the specific tasks or portions of the project that remain unfinished. This helps avoid any ambiguity and ensures the contractor knows exactly what needs to be addressed.

As per our contract, the following tasks remain incomplete:

  1. Installation of kitchen countertops
  2. Painting of the living room and bedrooms
  3. Final electrical fittings

Set a Clear Deadline

Indicate a reasonable deadline for the completion of the work. This creates a sense of urgency and provides the contractor with a clear timeline.

I kindly request that the aforementioned tasks be completed by [Specific Date]. This timeline is in accordance with our original agreement and necessary for the timely conclusion of the project.

Mention Contractual Obligations

Remind the contractor of their contractual obligations and the potential consequences of failing to meet them. This can include financial penalties or legal action if specified in your contract.

Please be reminded that our contract stipulates completion by the agreed-upon dates. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in the enforcement of penalty clauses or further legal action.

Highlight the Importance of Timely Completion

Explain how delays are affecting your plans or causing inconvenience. This personal touch can sometimes motivate contractors to prioritize your project.

The delay in completing the work is causing significant inconvenience and impacting our planned moving-in schedule. Timely completion is crucial to avoid further disruptions.

Be Respectful and Firm

While it’s important to be firm about your expectations, maintaining a professional and respectful tone is crucial. This approach is more likely to result in cooperative resolution.

I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter and look forward to seeing the project completed as agreed. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information to expedite the completion process.

Offer Assistance if Needed

If there are any issues causing the delay that you can help address, offer your assistance. This shows your willingness to collaborate to achieve the desired outcome.

If there are any specific challenges you are facing that are causing the delays, please let me know. I am willing to discuss possible solutions to ensure the work is completed promptly.

Summarize and Close Politely

Conclude your letter by summarizing your main points and reiterating your request for the timely completion of the work. Thank the contractor for their attention and cooperation.

In conclusion, I request the completion of the remaining tasks by [Specific Date] as per our original agreement. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your confirmation and the successful completion of our project.

[Your Name]

Final Thoughts

Writing a letter to a contractor demanding the completion of work requires a balance of firmness and professionalism.

By clearly detailing the remaining tasks, setting a deadline, and maintaining a respectful tone, you can effectively communicate your expectations and encourage the contractor to complete the project.

This approach not only addresses the immediate issue but also helps maintain a positive working relationship, which can be beneficial for any future projects or collaborations.