4 Sample Letter Declining to Bid on a Project

Lily Parker

When faced with a project that doesn’t align with your company’s values, capabilities, or resources, it may be necessary to politely decline to bid on it.

Crafting a letter declining to bid on a project requires finesse and professionalism to maintain a positive relationship with the potential client while respectfully declining the opportunity.

By clearly communicating the reasons for not proceeding with the bid, you can show that your decision was thoughtful and not made lightly.

We will provide insights on how to write a letter declining to bid on a project effectively, including tips on maintaining professionalism, expressing gratitude for the opportunity, and leaving the door open for future collaborations.

Let’s explore the sample templates and best practices for declining a project bid courteously and respectfully. 

Letter declining to bid on a project (Template 1)

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Full Name]
[Recipient’s Job Title]
[Recipient’s Company Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for the [Project Name/Description] project and for providing us with the opportunity to bid.

After careful consideration and a thorough review of the project requirements, we regret to inform you that we will not be submitting a bid for this project. Several factors have influenced our decision:

1. **Current Workload:** At this time, our team is fully engaged with existing projects, and we are concerned that taking on additional commitments would compromise our ability to provide the high-quality service and attention your project deserves.

2. **Project Scope:** Upon reviewing the project scope, we have determined that it falls outside our current area of expertise. We believe it is in your best interest to engage with a firm that specializes in this particular type of project to ensure the best possible outcome.

3. **Resource Allocation:** Due to resource constraints and strategic realignment within our company, we are unable to allocate the necessary resources to appropriately address the demands of this project at this time.

We genuinely appreciate the opportunity to be considered and hope that we can collaborate on future projects that align more closely with our current capabilities and availability. If there are other projects or future opportunities that you believe would be a good fit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you once again for considering [Your Company Name]. We wish you all the best with your project and are confident that you will find the perfect partner to meet your needs.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]

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How to decline an RFP invitation (Template 2)

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Recipient’s Full Name]
[Recipient’s Job Title]
[Recipient’s Company Name]
[Recipient’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for considering [Your Company Name] for the [Project Name/Description] and for inviting us to submit a proposal in response to your Request for Proposal (RFP).

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we will not be participating in the RFP process at this time. Several factors have led to this decision:

1. **Current Workload:** Our team is currently committed to several ongoing projects, and we are concerned that taking on additional responsibilities would compromise our ability to deliver the high-quality service we strive for.

2. **Project Alignment:** After reviewing the RFP, we have determined that the project requirements do not align closely with our expertise and strategic focus areas. We believe it would be more beneficial for you to engage with a firm that specializes in this type of work to ensure the best possible outcome for your project.

3. **Resource Constraints:** Given our current resource allocation and priorities, we are unable to dedicate the appropriate resources to respond effectively to this RFP and to execute the project to our standards.

We sincerely appreciate the opportunity and hope that we can work together on future projects that are a better fit for our capabilities and availability. Please do not hesitate to reach out if there are other opportunities or if you have any questions.

Thank you once again for considering [Your Company Name]. We wish you the best in your search for the right partner for your project and are confident you will find a suitable match.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]

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Sample bid rejection letter to the vendor (Template 3)

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Vendor’s Full Name]
[Vendor’s Job Title]
[Vendor’s Company Name]
[Vendor’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Vendor’s Name],

Thank you very much for submitting your proposal for the [Project Name/Description]. We appreciate the time and effort you put into preparing and presenting your bid.

After careful review and consideration of all the proposals we received, we regret to inform you that [Your Company Name] has decided to move forward with another vendor for this project. This decision was based on a comprehensive evaluation of various factors, including pricing, alignment with project requirements, and overall fit with our strategic objectives.

We want to acknowledge the quality and thoroughness of your submission. It was evident that you have a deep understanding of the project requirements and possess the capabilities to deliver high-quality results. However, the chosen vendor was more closely aligned with our specific needs and strategic direction at this time.

We greatly value the relationship we have built with [Vendor’s Company Name] and look forward to potential opportunities for collaboration on future projects. Your company remains a valued partner, and we hope to work together again on initiatives that are better suited to your expertise and offerings.

Once again, thank you for your participation in this bidding process and for your interest in working with [Your Company Name]. If you have any questions or need further feedback regarding our decision, please do not hesitate to reach out.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Your Company Name]

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How to reject a proposal politely email (Email Template)

Dear [Proposer’s Name],

Thank you very much for submitting your proposal for [brief description of the proposal] to [Your Company/Organization Name]. We truly appreciate the time and effort you invested in crafting such a detailed and thoughtful submission.

After careful consideration and review by our team, we have decided not to move forward with your proposal at this time. This decision was incredibly difficult given the high quality of your work and the innovative ideas presented. However, we have had to prioritize other projects that closely align with our current goals and strategic direction.

We genuinely value your interest in working with us and hope that you will understand our position. Your proposal demonstrated a deep understanding of [relevant field or topic], and we hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you on future projects that may be a better fit.

Thank you once again for your time and effort. We wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavors.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company/Organization Name]

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Tips to Write A Letter Declining to Bid on a Project Respectfully

Choosing not to bid on a project is a strategic decision that can be necessary for various reasons, such as resource constraints, misalignment with business goals, or other ongoing commitments.

However, turning down an opportunity needs to be handled delicately to maintain professionalism and preserve relationships for future opportunities. Here’s how to write a respectful and effective letter declining to bid on a project:

Key Points

  • Be Timely: Respond promptly to show respect for the client’s timeline.
  • Be Honest but Tactful: Provide a reason for declining without burning bridges.
  • Express Gratitude: Thank the client for considering your company.
  • Keep the Door Open: Indicate interest in future opportunities.

Structuring Your Letter

1. Start with a Polite Salutation

Address the recipient formally. If possible, use their name and title to personalize the communication.


Dear [Client’s Name],

2. Express Gratitude

Begin by thanking the client for the opportunity to bid on the project. This shows appreciation and sets a positive tone for the letter.


Thank you for considering [Your Company’s Name] for your upcoming [Project Name/Description]. We are honored to have been invited to submit a proposal.

3. Provide a Reason for Declining

Offer a brief, honest reason for why you are declining to bid. Be tactful and professional. If the reason is confidential, it’s okay to be somewhat vague while still conveying a courteous explanation.


After careful consideration, we have decided not to submit a bid for this project. At this time, our current commitments prevent us from dedicating the necessary resources to meet your project’s requirements to our usual high standards.

4. Express Continued Interest

Indicate your interest in future opportunities and maintain a positive relationship. This lets the client know that your decision is situational and not a reflection of their project or company.


We greatly value our relationship with [Client’s Company Name] and look forward to potential opportunities to work together in the future. Please consider us for any upcoming projects that may align more closely with our current capacity.

5. Offer Assistance or Alternatives (Optional)

If appropriate, offer to assist in another way or recommend another vendor who might be a good fit. This adds value to your correspondence and reinforces your professionalism.


If there is any other way we can assist you or if you need recommendations for other capable vendors, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are more than happy to help.

6. Close with Politeness

Conclude the letter respectfully, reaffirming your appreciation for the opportunity and expressing hope for future collaboration.


Thank you once again for considering us for this project. We wish you the best of success and hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you in the future.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company’s Name] [Your Contact Information]

Example Letter

Subject: Declining to Bid on [Project Name/Description]

Dear [Client’s Name],

Thank you for considering [Your Company’s Name] for your upcoming [Project Name/Description]. We are honored to have been invited to submit a proposal.

After careful consideration, we have decided not to submit a bid for this project. At this time, our current commitments prevent us from dedicating the necessary resources to meet your project’s requirements to our usual high standards.

We greatly value our relationship with [Client’s Company Name] and look forward to potential opportunities to work together in the future. Please consider us for any upcoming projects that may align more closely with our current capacity.

If there is any other way we can assist you or if you need recommendations for other capable vendors, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are more than happy to help.

Thank you once again for the opportunity. We wish you the best of success and hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you in the future.

Sincerely, John Smith Director of Business Development XYZ Corporation [email protected]  (123) 456-7890

Tips for Writing an Effective Declining Letter

  1. Be Prompt: Responding quickly shows respect for the client’s timeline and allows them time to find another vendor.
  2. Be Honest but Diplomatic: Provide a truthful reason for declining but avoid negative language or unnecessary details.
  3. Express Gratitude: Always thank the client for the opportunity, as it shows professionalism and appreciation.
  4. Keep It Brief: Keep your letter concise. A lengthy explanation is not necessary.
  5. Remain Professional: Maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter to preserve a positive relationship with the client.
  6. Proofread: Ensure the letter is free of errors to reflect your professionalism.

By following these guidelines, you can decline to bid on a project respectfully while maintaining goodwill and openness to future opportunities.