Goodbye Letter from Nanny to Family (2 Sample Template)

Lily Parker

Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when you’ve formed a close bond with the family you’ve been taking care of.

For nannies, leaving a family can be an emotional and bittersweet experience. Writing a goodbye letter can be a way to express your gratitude, love, and appreciation for the time you’ve spent with the children and their parents.

From sharing cherished memories to expressing hopes for the future, a goodbye letter can be a beautiful way to close one chapter and open another in the relationship between a nanny and the family they have cared for. 

1. Thank you and goodbye letter from nanny to family

[Your Full Name]
[Nanny/Your Position/Title]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

[Family’s Last Name] Family
[Family’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Mr./Mrs. Family’s Last Name] and [Children’s Names],

As my time with your wonderful family draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the privilege of being your nanny. The journey we have taken together over the past [Number of Years/Months] has been one of immense joy, growth, and memorable experiences. Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when it comes to bidding farewell to such a special family like yours.

From our first days together to the precious moments we’ve shared, watching [Children’s Names] grow and thrive has been a true delight. Each day brought its own adventure, whether it was helping with homework, creating imaginative playtimes, or simply sharing in the laughter that filled your home. The bonds that we’ve formed are treasures I will carry with me always.

I am so proud of [Children’s Names] and the unique individuals they are becoming. Each of their smiles, their achievements, and even the challenges we’ve navigated have made my role as your nanny a fulfilling and enriching experience. I am truly going to miss our daily routines, the stories, the cuddles, and the milestones that have marked the passage of time.

I leave knowing that [Children’s Names] are surrounded by a loving and supportive family, and I have no doubt that they will continue to flourish. Thank you for entrusting me with the care of your children, for the respect and kindness you have shown me, and for the warm and welcoming environment you have provided. It has been an absolute honor to be a part of your family’s journey.

Please know that you and [Children’s Names] will always have a special place in my heart. I hope we can stay in touch, and I look forward to hearing about all the wonderful things the future holds for your family.

Thank you once again for everything.

With love and best wishes,

[Your Full Name]

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2. Goodbye letter from nanny to child

[Your Full Name]
[Nanny/Your Position/Title]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Dear [Child’s Name],

I wanted to write you a special letter because some goodbyes are too big for just spoken words. You may not remember all the days we spent together, but I hope you’ll always remember how much you are loved and how much joy you’ve brought into my life.

We’ve had so many adventures together, haven’t we? From the very first day I came to take care of you, we’ve been a great team. We’ve read stories, played in the park, and created beautiful artwork that could fill all the walls of the house. Each day with you has been like a ray of sunshine, and I want to thank you for all the smiles, hugs, and giggles that we’ve shared.

As your nanny, one of my happiest jobs was to see you grow up. You’ve learned so many new things and I’m so proud of you for that! Remember how you used to need help tying your shoes? Now look at you, doing it all by yourself like the big [boy/girl] you are! Every little thing you’ve learned, every new word you’ve said, has been like a little celebration for both of us.

Even though I won’t be your nanny anymore, remember that I will always be your friend. You will always have a special place in my heart, and I promise to think of you often. I hope you’ll think of me too, maybe when you see our favorite book or when you visit the park where we played.

Keep being the wonderful, amazing [boy/girl] that you are. Listen to your mommy and daddy, take care of your [siblings/pets, if applicable], and don’t forget to keep laughing and learning every day.

I’m sending you the biggest hug and all my love. Goodbye for now, my dear [Child’s Name].

With love,

[Your Full Name]

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3. Nanny saying goodbye to family messages

Saying goodbye can be difficult, especially when a strong bond has formed between a nanny and the family they have worked with.

Here are 15 heartfelt messages a nanny can use when leaving her job to convey gratitude, affection, and good wishes:

1. Dear [Family’s Name], my time with you has been so rewarding. I’ve watched [Child’s Name] grow and it’s been a joy. I’m grateful for the memories and I’ll always cherish them. Thank you for welcoming me into your home.

2. To my dear [Child’s Name], I’ll miss our adventures and the fun we’ve shared. Remember to always be curious, and don’t forget to laugh often. You have a special place in my heart.

3. It’s not goodbye but ‘see you later’ to a family that’s been so much more than an employer to me. Thank you for every moment, every laugh, and every lesson. [Child’s Name], keep shining bright!

4. As I say farewell, I want to let you know how honored I am to have been part of your family. I am walking away with countless happy memories and the joy of having known such an incredible child.

5. Thank you, [Family’s Name], for the trust you’ve placed in me to care for [Child’s Name]. It’s been a period of my life filled with growth and love. I’ll miss you all but look forward to hearing about your new adventures.

6. [Child’s Name], I’ve loved watching you learn and grow. You’ve taught me so much and I’m grateful for our time together. Keep being wonderful, and always know you’re loved.

7. Leaving is never easy, especially when it’s a family as loving as you. Thank you for the warmth, care, and kindness you’ve shown me. My heart is full of our shared memories.

8. To the entire [Family’s Name], thank you for every day I was greeted with smiles and shared in your family’s joy. I’m saying goodbye, but I leave with love and fond memories.

9. I may not be your nanny anymore, [Child’s Name], but I’ll always be your cheerleader from afar. Grow up strong, kind, and brave. I can’t wait to see the person you become.

10. [Family’s Name], I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to be a part of your lives. I’m moving on, but I’ll carry the lessons and love with me always.

11. Saying goodbye is tough, but knowing I’ve been part of such a wonderful family makes it a little easier. Keep growing, keep loving, and know that you will always have a piece of my heart.

12. As I close this chapter, I want to express how blessed I feel to have been welcomed into your beautiful family. [Child’s Name], keep that spark of curiosity alive, and never stop reaching for the stars.

13. I am so grateful for our time together and for the lifetime of memories we’ve created. Farewell, and may the future bring you all endless joy and laughter.

14. Leaving your family is bittersweet, but I’m comforted knowing [Child’s Name] is on a brilliant path. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your journey.”

15. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again. Thank you, [Family’s Name], for everything. Keep in touch, and take care of one another.”

In crafting a goodbye message, it’s always nice to personalize the note by mentioning specific memories or qualities of the child and family, and to leave the door open for future contact, if appropriate. Goodbyes can mark not just an end, but also a transition to a new kind of relationship.