20 Role-playing Interview Questions with Suggested Answers

Lily Parker

Role-playing in interviews is commonly used to assess how candidates might handle specific job-related scenarios.

Here are 20 role-playing interview questions with suggested answers and tips on how to approach them.

1. A customer is unhappy with their purchase and wants a refund, but it’s against company policy. How do you handle this situation?

Suggested Answer: “I would listen to the customer’s concerns and empathize with their dissatisfaction. I’d explain our refund policy clearly and offer alternative solutions, such as a store credit or exchange. If they’re still unhappy, I’d escalate the matter to my supervisor for further assistance.”

Tip: Show empathy and a willingness to find a solution within the company’s guidelines.

2. You’re working on an urgent project and notice a colleague is not contributing their fair share. What do you do?

Suggested Answer: “I would approach my colleague privately to discuss the project’s urgency and express my observations. I’d ask if they’re facing any challenges and offer my support to help them meet our shared goals.”

Tip: Address the issue directly but constructively, focusing on teamwork and project completion.

3. A team member openly criticizes your idea during a meeting. How do you respond?

Suggested Answer: “I’d thank them for their perspective and ask for specific feedback. I believe constructive criticism is valuable, and I’m open to refining my ideas to better fit our objectives.”

Tip: Demonstrate your openness to feedback and ability to maintain professionalism under criticism.

4. You’re the manager, and two employees are in conflict. How do you mediate?

Suggested Answer: “I’d arrange a meeting with both parties to understand the root of the conflict. I would facilitate a constructive discussion, encouraging each to express their viewpoints and work toward a mutual understanding and resolution.”

Tip: Show leadership and conflict resolution skills, and remain neutral.

5. You’ve made a mistake that affects the team’s work. What steps do you take?

Suggested Answer: “I’d immediately inform my team and take responsibility for the error. I’d outline a plan to correct the mistake and prevent it from recurring, asking for the team’s support and input.”

Tip: Exhibit accountability, problem-solving, and willingness to collaborate on solutions.

6. You’re working on a tight deadline when a client requests additional work. How do you handle this request?

Suggested Answer: “I would assess our current capacity and the scope of the additional work. I’d communicate transparently with the client about the impact on the deadline and negotiate a feasible timeline for both parties.”

Tip: Demonstrate effective time management and clear communication.

7. An employee frequently arrives late to work. As their supervisor, what do you do?

Suggested Answer: “I’d discuss the issue with the employee to understand if there are underlying reasons for their tardiness. I’d reiterate the importance of punctuality and work with them to find a solution that helps them arrive on time.”

Tip: Be empathetic but also firm about workplace expectations.

8. You need to decline a customer’s request in a way that maintains a good relationship. How do you approach this?

Suggested Answer: “I would apologize that we can’t fulfill their request and provide a clear explanation. I’d then focus on what we can do for them and work towards an alternative solution that meets their needs.”

Tip: Maintain a positive tone and offer alternatives whenever possible.

9. Your boss assigns you a task you’ve never done before. What’s your first step?

Suggested Answer: “I’d seek to understand the task fully, asking clarifying questions. Then, I’d gather resources or ask for guidance from colleagues or superiors to ensure I can complete the task successfully.”

Tip: Show initiative and a proactive approach to learning new skills.

10. How would you prioritize your workload if you have several urgent tasks?

Suggested Answer: “I would evaluate the tasks based on their deadlines, impact, and complexity. I’d tackle high-priority items first and, if necessary, seek assistance or delegate to ensure all critical tasks are completed on time.”

Tip: Display your ability to assess urgency and importance while remaining flexible.


11. You disagree with a new policy implemented by management. How do you handle this?

Suggested Answer: “I would seek to understand the rationale behind the policy. If I still have concerns, I would constructively voice them to my supervisor, along with any suggestions for alternatives, while remaining respectful of the final decision.”

Tip: Be respectful but honest, and offer constructive feedback rather than just criticism.

12. A client insists on speaking with a manager, but they’re not available. What would you say?

Suggested Answer: “I would assure the client that their concerns are important and that I will personally ensure the manager addresses their issue as soon as they’re available. Meanwhile, I’d offer my assistance to help resolve any immediate concerns.”

Tip: Show assertiveness in handling the situation and willingness to act as a mediator.

13. You’re leading a project and the team misses a deadline. How do you address this with your supervisor?

Suggested Answer: “I’d provide a clear explanation of why the deadline was missed and take responsibility. I would present a revised plan for completion, outlining the steps we’re taking to get back on track.”

Tip: Accept responsibility and focus on solutions, rather than making excuses.

14. You notice a coworker struggling with their workload. What do you do?

Suggested Answer: “I’d offer my help to the coworker, perhaps by assisting with tasks or helping them organize their workload more efficiently. I believe in supporting each other to ensure team success.”

Tip: Exhibit a collaborative spirit and a willingness to support your team.

15. A coworker takes credit for your work during a presentation. What’s your response?

Suggested Answer: “After the presentation, I’d privately discuss the matter with my coworker, explaining how their actions made me feel and the importance of recognition for contributions. I’d seek to reach an understanding to prevent future occurrences.”

Tip: Keep the conversation private and focus on clear communication and resolution.

16. How would you approach a situation where you must enforce a company rule that is unpopular among staff?

Suggested Answer: “I would communicate the reasons behind the rule to ensure understanding and express empathy for any frustration. I’d enforce the rule consistently while being open to feedback.”

Tip: Balance firm enforcement with empathy and open lines of communication.

17. You are asked to complete a task that you believe could be done more effectively in a different way. How do you proceed?

Suggested Answer: “I’d complete the task as instructed but also propose my alternative method to my supervisor, explaining its potential benefits. I’d be prepared to implement my idea if given the go-ahead.”

Tip: Show respect for authority while demonstrating innovation and efficiency.

18. A team member is resistant to change. How do you encourage them to adopt a new process?

Suggested Answer: “I would explain the benefits of the new process and how it will impact our work positively. I’d offer to support them through the transition and address any concerns they might have.”

Tip: Display patience, good communication, and the ability to motivate others.

19. During a busy period, a customer has been waiting for assistance for an extended time. What do you say when you approach them?

Suggested Answer: “I would apologize for the wait and thank them for their patience. I’d then provide attentive and efficient service to address their needs and ensure their satisfaction despite the delay.”

Tip: Acknowledge the inconvenience faced by the customer and make an extra effort to provide excellent service.

20. How do you approach a situation where someone has spread a false rumor about you at work?

Suggested Answer: “I’d address the rumor directly with the individual in private, seeking to clarify any misunderstandings. If necessary, I might involve a supervisor to help mediate the situation.”

Tip: Remain calm, seek direct resolution, and involve higher-ups if the situation escalates.